Sunday, February 3, 2019

First of Many

As you might have gathered, I had our first baby late in 2018. Many people have given me crap for not knitting anything for the baby yet. Other people have made things for Cute Baby (her daddy decided that should be her online name): Grandma knit a dedication blanket and a Christmas stocking, other Grandma made a quilt, Aunt W made a quilt, Friend K crocheted a headband and hat, etc. Baby is very well-loved and warm. But I am a knitter, and so Mommy-mades are a requirement, apparently.
Trick was, Tall Hubby and I didn't find out the gender of Cute Baby prior to her birth. It irritated our friends and family to no end! It also contributed to why I didn't make or start anything. I'm okay with all of this though, as I personally think gendering babies from day 1 is stupid and I dislike pastel pink and blue anyway. So my little girl is in gray, navy, white, tan, with it.
But while on a trip to Michael's with SIL M, I found these:
Such great colors!
They were apparently meant to be turned into little pompom hats, and I thought it would be a perfect starter project for Cute Baby, bought a skein, cast on...
And then had a baby. Also as previously stated, this meant knitting time went downhill quickly. I also decided to knit Christmas and Baby knitting went to the bottom of the priority list. So it was finally finished a few days ago.
Nothing fancy.
And it fits,
But I was not happy with it. Why, you might ask? This is the remaining yarn:
Can you guess the problem? 
No, it's not that there is so much yarn left. In the finished hat, there's no hint of those gorgeous teals! The trials of making small things. The accompanying orange pompom would blend right in rather than being a statement. Sigh...
I refuse to frog it. It's well made, it fits, it's warm. It's just also not what I wanted for Cute Baby. So I guess I'll have to cast on another one. Thank God they're fast.
...too bad I already also started on a toque for my Brother-in-Law J:
Leftovers from the Cunning Hat
My ultimate goal for 2019 is to get through as many of my UFO, Upcoming Projects, and Needs Repair lists as possible so I can embark on a grand knitting project I've been planning for years. I think it's a common malady of knitters and creators in general that the Upcoming Projects list never ends, only gets added to. Regardless, I shall strive to finish one orange hat before starting a third. 

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